Try Android on your PC
Try Android on your PC
Android is an operating system (or, more precisely, a software stack) for mobile devices that includes middleware and key applications, and uses a modified version of the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset Alliance.
Though the Google OS is far from ready to be loaded on any new netbook PC, it is now available for download for enthusiasts. So if you can't wait to see how it is gonna be then go ahead and download free Android LiveCD which installs Android on any x86 computer. What do you need to do? Well, just burn a disc, and insert it in a disc drive. Upon a reboot you'll have an option of previewing the Android OS without affecting any files on your PC. It can also be booted by visualization software.
Android is an operating system (or, more precisely, a software stack) for mobile devices that includes middleware and key applications, and uses a modified version of the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset Alliance.
Though the Google OS is far from ready to be loaded on any new netbook PC, it is now available for download for enthusiasts. So if you can't wait to see how it is gonna be then go ahead and download free Android LiveCD which installs Android on any x86 computer. What do you need to do? Well, just burn a disc, and insert it in a disc drive. Upon a reboot you'll have an option of previewing the Android OS without affecting any files on your PC. It can also be booted by visualization software.
Thank's Alot For My Friend Muhammed Hamed
Yours Moataz Muhammed
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