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Install MySQL as a windows service from a batch file

Form a few days ago I wanted to package a desktop application build using a Java and MySQL to minimize going to the customer for deploying the application. I suggested to package the app into an installer. The most the complicated problem is how to install MySQL and install is as service which starts automatically besides creating the database schema.My solution is to package MySQL into my installer and the  write a batch file to install and run MySQL server .. by the way the customer environment is windows.

The script install the MySQL and create or migrate the database.create if the database not exist and migrate if exists.
And here is the script. this is the zipped archive of mysql you can download it from

@echo off
set currentPath=%~dp0
set mydump_file=%currentPath%mydb_dump-%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.sql
::  This script is to start and configure the database server.
echo "Starting to insall the mysql as a service in the windows "
echo "The current path %currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\ "

:: Trying to stop the service, incase of changing the installtion path.
sc stop MySQL

:: Kill the process related to the srvice.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=[:]" %%f in ('sc queryex MySQL ^|find /i "PID"') do set PID=%%f
taskkill /f /pid %PID%

:: wait 5 sec
ping -n 10 > nul
:: Delete the service.
sc delete MySQL

:: wait 5 sec
ping -n 10 > nul
:: Creating the service with autostart 
sc create MySQL start= auto DisplayName= MySQL binPath= "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=\"%currentPath%my.ini\" MySQL"

call "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysqld.exe" --install
echo "Starting the MySQL server."
call "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysqld.exe"
:: Start the servie
sc start MySQL

:: wait 5 sec
ping -n 10 > nul

:: Check if we should create or migrate

IF EXIST "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\data\mydb" (
echo "Migrate me."
echo "dummping the database to %mydump_file% "
call "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u root --password="password" mydb --default-character-set=utf8 > "%mydump_file%"
call "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysql.exe" -u root --password="password" --default-character-set=utf8 < "%currentPath%/migration.sql">c:/migrate.log
) ELSE (
:: Creating the schema
echo "Creating the schema."
call "%currentPath%mysql-5.5.29-win32\bin\mysql.exe" -u root --password="password" --default-character-set=utf8 < "%currentPath%/mydb.sql">c:\create.log

echo "Done!!"
:: echo "Press any key to exit ..."
:: pause > nul

@echo on

I hope this could help you.

Thanks a lot.
Muhammad Hamed

Yours Moataz Muhammed

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